Odessa 1931

Some Cold War Ads

Caviar Harvesting In The Astrakhan Region Of Russia, 1960

These pictures were taken during 1960 in the Soviet Union. Caviar has always been a staple of Eastern European cuisine. The finest caviar being Russian caviar from the Sturgeon.  These pictures show the laborers in the environment getting the cash crop. For more posts like these of the old Soviet days go to the excellent website http://kcmeesha.com/

Photos are provided by Life Magazine

Man Enters Space, April 12, 1961

Soviet Propaganda Posters

In my college years in Quinsigamond College in Worcester, I studied and did a project on Soviet Cubism and the design elements of Soviet-era art/propaganda. I was always intrigued by the power of the block elements incorporated within the art. Here are some good examples I’ve come across over my time collecting them via the web.